Monday, September 11, 2006


5 years ago my life was very different. I lived in New Jersey near Philadelphia. I had a job. I had no kids--our first was on the way. My wife and I watched the days' events on TV. We shared feelings of disbelief, horror, sorrow, and anger. I personally need not know anyone who died or who had family that died.

After 5 years I guess I still angry. This does not directly affect me, but our country, my country was attacked--harshly. Any beef these people had with the west or the US or whoever is irrelavant now. A song by Toby Keith speaks to me an this day. Some of the lyrics may be crass and raw but I would agree.

Courtesy Of The Red, White And Blue (The Angry American)

American Girls and American Guys
We'll always stand up and salute
We'll always recognize
When we see Old Glory Flying
There's a lot of men dead
So we can sleep in peace at night
When we lay down our head

My daddy served in the army
Where he lost his right eye
But he flew a flag out in our yard
Until the day that he died
He wanted my mother, my brother, my sister and me
To grow up and live happy
In the land of the free.

Now this nation that I love
Has fallen under attack
A mighty sucker punch came flyin' in
From somewhere in the back
Soon as we could see clearly
Through our big black eye
Man, we lit up your world
Like the 4th of July

Hey Uncle Sam
Put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty
Started shakin' her fist
And the eagle will fly
Man, it's gonna be hell
When you hear Mother Freedom
Start ringin' her bell
And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

Justice will be served
And the battle will rage
This big dog will fight
When you rattle his cage
And you'll be sorry that you messed with
The U.S. of A.
'Cause we'll put a boot in your ass
It's the American way

Hey Uncle Sam
Put your name at the top of his list
And the Statue of Liberty
Started shakin' her fist
And the eagle will fly
Man, it's gonna be hell
When you hear Mother Freedom
Start ringin' her bell
And it feels like the whole wide world is raining down on you
Brought to you Courtesy of the Red White and Blue

As I write I realize I should forgive though I am not sure who I should forgive. However forgive but do not forget. And prepare and be watchful. We should all pray for peace but that peace will not come till Jesus Christ returns to finally settle things.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Star

The Star.---

I am a football fan. And no matter what, for some reason I am a Dallas Cowboy fan. I first started watching football in 1980 when I was 9 years old. My grandad is a big sports fan and his favorite is football--the Washington Redskins which is the closest team to where I grew up in Virginia. Now the most logical and most popular reason to pick a favorite team is because of proximity which is the way the team makes money--local support. Well not me, my grandad was happy to have me watch football with him but he did not pressure me into liking a certain team so I was on my own.

Some people pick a team for very subjective reasons, a team's color, a spouse or a friend's favorite, well I have a more base reason, one which I am not very proud of but it is true none the less. When I started watching football I noticed something, not on the field but on the sidelines---the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders. As a 9 year old beginning the transition between boyhood and manhood, the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders had made up my mind.----plus I have always liked stars.

I think my choice was good, they have had some good coaches-Tom Laundry, Jimmy Johnson, The Tuna, also not 2, 3, or 4 but 5 super bowl wins(record) tied with Pitt and San Fran. The most Super Bowl appearances 8. Most points total in the Super Bowl with 221. I am no band wagon fan though. I have been through the 1-15 season and I have known the good times. So the question remains what will happen this season. There is always the phrase "Any given Sunday".....Of course now we have Sat., Mon., and Thursday games.
