Saturday, August 05, 2006

Free Movie

I have had writer's block for a while but here is something interesting that happened to me a week ago. A friend of mine and I went to see the movie "Lady in the Water". we went to the theater, bought our tickets, sat down and waited for the movie to start. The normal pre-movie ads were on. The movie was supposed to start at 9:40p. At 9:45 the ads were done and we waited. Then the previews came. Three previews rolled by each promoting kids movies which I commented as being strange. Then the movie started...the movie "Monster House". Only about 20 people were in this theater but we were all upset. Are we in the wrong theater? What's going on? Someone found a manager and the movie stopped. Then the manager came in and gave all of us free tickets to any movie. At 10pm "Lady in the Water" started with appropriate previews. So this is the end of the story right...wrong.

In the middle of the second preview, the picture shifts so that the bottom of the picture was at the top of the screen. We thought it would get fixed before the movie started didn't. Soon we were missing vital plot points and my friend said he could not watch any more.

When we left, the manager was handling out more free passes and we got two more. Overall A good financial investment......The next night we saw the movie at a different theater with no hangups.


samurai said...

I did not realize that you liked those kinds of movies. Not that it's bad or anything. I just didn't know that about you. :)

samurai said...

One a month... I guess you are waiting for the kids to start school. :)